Thursday, 7 June 2012

Why are you still suffering with Fibromyalgia pain?

Adrianne Curry Uses The Flex Belt

Relief is Only Minutes Away!

 Why are you still suffering with Fibromyalgia pain?

Do you want to join other people who have discovered simple methods for combating painful, debilitating Fibromyalgia symptoms?
I have just read a brilliant ebook by a top selling author who's ebook, a Natural Cure To Fibromyalgia, tells you how to do just that.
Here is some of the information that is covered, in her book called 'Natural Cure To Fibromyalgia':
  •  First and foremost, the natural Fibromyalgia treatment option that will eliminate your symptoms and have you feeling better in no time!
  •  The four biggest risk factors for developing Fibromyalgia - and what this means to you.
  •  Common prescription drugs that are used to manage the symptoms of Fibromyalgia – and the effectiveness and side effects of each!
  •  How a doctor tests for and diagnoses whether you have fibromyalgia – read this and you’ll know exactly what to expect.
  •  6 conditions with similar symptoms to Fibromyalgia – and how to determine the difference.
  •  How to properly manage and treat Fibromyalgia – while not life threatening this condition can become very debilitating if not managed properly.
  •  And so much more!
Natural Cure To Fibromyalgia contains all the treatment information, as well as the lifestyle and dietary information, you need to know to soothe your Fibromyalgia symptoms
  •  How to reduce Fibromyalgia symptoms through exercise
  •   Why detoxifying your body can lessen your Fibromyalgia symptoms
  •   Relaxation techniques that you can use to calm your body and reduce your stress
  •   How to limit or reduce your exposure to allergens
  •   What nutritional supplements, vitamins and herbs to take to reduce your Fibromyalgia symptoms
So, if you are sick and tired of always feeling in pain and want to find out more about gettng relief from your fibromyalgia symptoms  then now is your opportunity to get your copy of this comprehensive book. Click Here!

And so much more!

So What Are You Waiting For?

Thanks to Natural Cure To Fibromyalgia being an electronic download you can begin benefiting from the in-depth information and advice contained in Natural Cure To Fibromyalgia in just seconds from now!
Yes, you can control your Fibromyalgia naturally!
In fact, if you have Fibromyalgia, right now you have the opportunity to feel better than you have in years... thanks to the tips revealed in this comprehensive ebook!
Download this information now to gain control of your Fibro and avoid suffering costly and potentially painful health complications in the future!

Relief is Only Minutes Away!

6 Fibromyalgia Pain Relief Strategies

Adrianne Curry Uses The Flex Belt

6 Fibromyalgia Pain Relief Strategies

Treating the pain associated with Fibromyalgia can be a difficult task since cures that help one person might not help you. Here is a list of popular and common pain remedies that should help your symptoms.

1       Entering into a consistent and relaxing exercise routine is one of the easiest and most beneficial ways of dealing with Fibromyalgia. Not only does exercise help keep you fit and trim, it also helps with blood flow throughout the body. It can also help normalize sleep patters and reduce the amount of time it takes for your body to recover from injury. Please remember to never start an exercise routine without consulting a doctor first.
2       A low carb and high protein diet is another popular way to help relieve Fibromyalgia pain. Not only will eating right help your body overall, by eliminating high amounts of saturated fat, refined white sugar, caffeine and alcohol, you can eliminate many common symptom triggers. Combine that with a beneficial exercise routine, and you will be well on your way to a healthier body and less pain.
3       As any long time sufferer of Fibromyalgia can tell you, nothing feels better than a good heating pad. Pads help with circulation and also help to loosen up muscles and joints that can ache during severe bouts of Fibro flare-up. There are many different pads you can use, cordless and the old-fashioned plug-in kinds. There are also chemical heating pads that you can you and even wear under your clothes during the day. Some of these pads can last up to 8 hours.
4       The use of topical pain medications is another popular way to deal with Fibromyalgia. But a quick trip to your local drug store reveals an overwhelming choice in pain relief rubs. The industry standard is, of course, Bengay. But if you’ve tried it and didn’t care for the results, there are literally a dozen other choices available. And if none of the name brand medications seem to do the trick, there are also a slew of homeopathic remedies and all-natural creams that many sufferers swear by.
5       Meditation might not be a cure-all for pain, but it can help relieve a lot of stress that can be a major trigger for Fibromyalgia symptoms. Meditation is a very personal, and for most a private practice. Most people require a quiet place, maybe some soothing music and the ability to completely relax. Meditation can also give a big boost to self-confidence by putting practitioners in the mindset that they can control their Fibromyalgia, and thus their pain, as well.
6       A final helper for pain is deep tissue massage. By helping to stimulate blood flow in the joints and muscles that are aching, symptoms and pain can be reduced. This works much the same way as a heating pad, but many Fibromyalgia sufferers swear by the deeper and more complete relief of a massage. You may need to experiment with this option. Try and find a massuse who has dealt with fibro patients before as initially the pain can stop you continuing with the massage.

Fibromyalgia can be a painful and debilitating ailment. Luckily, there are many non-drug methods of dealing with the chronic pain caused by this condition. You may have to try several methods before you find one that is right for you, but there is hope for everyone with Fibromyalgia.

 For more information on overcoming Fibromyalgia symptoms please visit

Fibromyalgia Symptoms Explained

Adrianne Curry Uses The Flex Belt


Fibromyalgia Symptoms Explained

Fibromyalgia is a syndrome (fibromyalgia syndrome, or FMS), or a cluster of problems.  People who have fibromyalgia suffer with pain, either all over or in particular places, have sleeping problems, are overwhelmingly tired and may have many other symptoms. 

Five to ten per cent of the population has fibromyalgia.  Most of them are women, but men and children do experience the symptoms, too.

Pain is the most distinguishing characteristic of fibromyalgia.  Medically, it’s described as generalized musculoskeletal aches, pain and stiffness.  For the pain to be diagnosed as fibromyalgia, it has to be present in all four body quadrants (arms and legs) for at least 3 months, and there has to be pain when pressure is applied to at least 11 of the 18 identified trigger points.

That’s the medical description.  Here is how people with fibromyalgia describe it.

“I can hardly move because of the pain I’m in.  I’m fighting to stay mobile.”

“There is no way to describe the pain.  You live with it on a daily basis.”

“What people don’t realize is that I am in pain all the time, every day.”

“Sometimes you think, no big deal, it’s just pain.  It’s not life threatening.  Sometimes you wish it was.  At least there’d be an end in sight.”

The pain waxes and wanes, varying in intensity.  People have good days and bad days.  Some days it’s not too bad; some days it’s pretty much disabling.  The pain of fibromyalgia often gets worse on cold or humid days, when you haven’t slept well, when you are too inactive or too active, when you are stressed or when your hormones change.

The second most disabling characteristic of fibromyalgia is fatigue.  Recent findings suggest that the fatigue is due to a stage four sleep disorder called alpha EEG anomaly.  During deep stage four sleep, the brain has bursts of awake-like activity, so there is not enough undisturbed deep sleep for the body to get sufficient rest. 

In addition to alpha EEG anomaly, many FMS sufferers also have sleep apnea, upper airway resistance syndrome, bruxism (teeth grinding during sleep), limb movement and jerking and restless leg syndrome.  All of these contribute to the fatigue of fibromyalgia.

Again, this is how fibromyalgia sufferers describe their fatigue.

“The fatigue is worse than the pain.”

“Some days going to the bathroom feels like a ten-mile hike.”

“On bad days, all I can do is turn on the TV for the kiddies and veg with them.”

Pain and fatigue are the most disabling features of fibromyalgia, but there are other distressing symptoms, too.  40-70 per cent of fibromyalgia sufferers experience irritable bowel syndrome or other gastrointestinal problems.  Constipation and diarrhea, abdominal pain, excessive gassiness, nausea and gastroesophageal reflux are common.

Many fibromyalgia sufferers are distressed by associated mental and emotional problems that manifest themselves alongside the physical ailments.  Anxiety and depression are common.  It’s not known whether they are independent factors, or if they are related to living in constant pain and fatigue and the social stigma of fibromyalgia.  People also complain of confusion, experiencing difficulty thinking clearly and a reduction in ability to perform mental tasks. This overall mental fogginess has been termed “fibro fog.”

Other symptoms of fibromyalgia include headaches, restless leg syndrome, skin sensitivity and rashes, dry eyes and mouth, Reynaud’s syndrome, and various neurological problems.

Fibromyalgia is an invisible disease.  Sufferers look fine on the surface.  However, under their outward appearance they are often exhausted and in excruciating pain.  Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness that is, at its worst, incredibly disabling. The symptoms have to be managed, and even then the pain and fatigue wax and wane.  It’s a difficult disease to live with, but it’s not hopeless.  Medical care and lifestyle management can make a big difference in how you feel if you are suffering from fibromyalgia.There is more information on Fibromyalgia symptoms to be found at Eliminate Fibromyalgia.

My doctor said I was just going to have to learn to live with the pain of Fibromyalgia.  He told me there is no cure for it, as if I didn't know that already.  The drugs I tried didn't work and anyway they had horrible side affects.  I searched for some alternative help in natural and homeopathic remedies at book stores and on the web searching through Google and Yahoo.  I bought a number of these remedies at websites, creams and different concoctions of herbs, barks, flowers, vitamins, minerals and so forth that I drank as tea and also applied to the painful locations on my body. For the most part they did not work.  I came across your ebook while searching on the web one day and purchased it.  What a surprise, because from that day forward everything connected to my Fibromyalgia changed for the absolute better and very quickly at that.  In fact, within a few days it was as if I had never had Fibromyalgia in my life.  It was so incredible to me that I had to write and thank you.

Becky - Sarasota, FL

 Join Hundreds Of Other Fibromyalgia Sufferers & Discover How To Combat The Constant Discomfort And Disruption Of Fibromyalgia.

There is a Natural Cure To Fibromyalgia! Did You Know This!

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Adrianne Curry Uses The Flex Belt

 Do You Suffer with FIBROMYALGIA?
Are you interested in The Natural Cure To Fibromyalgia

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click here!
BECAUSE there is not much profit in a drug that cures. But there's lots of profit in maintenance drugs. Drugs the pharmaceutical companies can sell you, month after month, year after year, for the rest of YOUR LIFE.

Dear Fibromyalgia sufferer,
My name is Marcus Bloom and after over 25 years of having Fibromyalgia I was asking myself, can Fibromyalgia ever be stopped?
 The year was 2003 and it marked my 29th unhappy anniversary of living with the misery of Fibromyalgia.  It also was the last year I ever had it!
 I lived with terrible pain all over my body, also very painful and creepy legs that would throb and pulsate. This went on day after day, month after month and year after year. I was being tortured endlessly and nothing I could do would stop the pain and it was getting worse! 
 I was in pain and exhausted all the time. I was walking around like a zombie because I wasn't getting any sleep. I don't think I had a full nights sleep in years. 
 I became more desperate over the years to find relief.  As time went on I started using many different types of remedies I had heard about.  I tried special soaps, herbal remedies, special tea blends, drinking some and rubbing some on my body. 
 I got professional massages like, acupressure, hot stone and Swedish massages.  I took very hot baths, and very cold baths, Epson salt baths, and tea bathes.  I got more exercise and took more vitamins and minerals. 
 I tried different diets, made drastic lifestyle changes. But nothing helped. Nothing worked!  Nothing I did ever stopped the pain of Fibromyalgia.
  Then something happened in 2003 to change all that and ended my Fibromyalgia forever.
 That's right, I have not had Fibromyalgia since 2003 and that’s after having had it for almost thirty years.
 Find out more here!

I received an e-book ten days ago and stared following its directions the first day. I was surprised at just how fast this worked because by the third day my Fibromyalgia was already becoming much less painful. By day seven the pain had completely subsided and so had my brain fog.  Because I was sleeping longer and more soundly, I had a lot more energy during the day and almost no depression.  I am so excited about finding this e-book on how to cure Fibromyalgia because I have been in such terrible pain for a long time and didn't think that I would ever find anything that would help me.  I want to thank you for providing something that actual works.
Thanks again,

Bonnie R. - Dallas TX


Adrianne Curry Uses The Flex Belt

No need to search for a cure for Fibromyalgia Why! because there already is a cure for it!

 But the real cure will never put one dollar of profit into any of the giant pharmaceutical companies or other medical for profit organizations, and the reason is simple. You can cure your Fibromyalgia forever without any of their drugs, or help for that matter.

Want to know more!   CLICK HERE!

Friday, 1 June 2012

6 Reasons Why You Should Have Small, Frequent Meals

Copyright (c) 2009 Stephen Smith

Many people believe that having 5 or 6 small meals a day will make them put on weight but in actual fact it will help them lose weight!

Most people eat three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. The problem with only having three meals a day, or even fewer meals, is that there is a large gap (greater than 3 hours) between meals. This large gap between meals results in a substantial decrease in the body's blood glucose level. This causes the body to invoke its 'Anti-Starvation Response'.

Consuming 5 or 6 small meals a day is enormously beneficial from a weight loss point of view and cannot be over-emphasised. It keeps your body's metabolism elevated, which means you burn up more calories and therefore more fat during the day.

Having 5 or 6 small meals a day (ideally every 2-3 hours) means your body is constantly supplied with the energy it requires to function, as well as the amino acids it needs to maintain and build body tissues.

The feeling of hunger is also dramatically reduced, as is the tendency to over-eat at each meal. People who only eat three or fewer meals a day have a greater tendency to over-eat at each meal because they feel hungrier than people who tend to 'graze' (eat more often) throughout the day.

This tendency to over-eat is even more pronounced in people who skip meals to lose weight. Skipping meals results in uncontrollable urges to binge eat, especially during the evening - the worst time of the day to be consuming a large amount of food.

Following is a summary of the advantages of consuming 5 or 6 meals a day:

Increased metabolic rate.

This increase in metabolism occurs because the body is being constantly supplied with energy (food) every few hours. Through the process of digestion, the body is forced to expend more energy.

Also, since the blood glucose level remains more stable, the body's metabolism doesn't have to slow down as it would if only three meals were consumed.

Positive nitrogen balance.

Nitrogen balance is a measurement of how much nitrogen is lost (through sweat and urine) against how much nitrogen (from protein) is gained through dietary intake (food). Nitrogen balance determines whether the body is breaking down body tissue (negative nitrogen balance) or building up body tissue (positive nitrogen balance).

Ideally it is best to keep your body in a positive nitrogen balance at all times. Maintaining or building tissue (particularly muscle) means your body's metabolism will remain elevated, making it easier to burn off body fat and lose weight.

Having protein in each of the 5 or 6 small meals a day means there is a constant supply of tissue-building amino acids to assist in the maintenance and building of lean body tissue, which includes muscle.

When you eat only three meals a day your body will be in a negative nitrogen balance at some times during the day because of the delay between meals, even if you eat protein at each of these meals.

Reduced hunger.

Feelings of hunger are reduced when there is a constant supply of glucose to the brain. This can be easily achieved by consuming 5 or 6 small meals a day and by ensuring there is a slow influx of glucose into the bloodstream.

Sustained energy.

By having 5 or 6 small meals a day there is a constant supply of glucose in the bloodstream, sustaining energy levels. This is in direct contrast to having three meals a day, which results in large fluctuations in blood glucose and therefore, energy levels as well.

Reduced fat storage.

Another reason why having 5 or 6 small meals a day is so effective for losing weight is because smaller meals don't affect the blood glucose level and in turn, insulin levels, as dramatically as three larger meals do. A lower insulin level means there is less opportunity to convert carbohydrate into fat.

Eating more frequently also means the body is constantly using up energy digesting food. This is why eating breakfast is so important - it gives your metabolism a 'kick-start'. If breakfast is skipped, your metabolism and therefore your body's fat-burning ability stays sluggish until your first meal.

Increased fat mobilisation.

Your body's tendency to mobilise fat for fuel increases with smaller and more regular meals. This is mainly due to the fact that insulin levels are low. A low blood insulin level means more fat can be mobilised from the body's fat stores.

On the other hand, a high level of insulin inhibits the mobilisation of fat for fuel and larger meals tend to promote the release of greater amounts of insulin from the pancreas.

So become a grazer and watch the weight fall off your body!

To receive your FREE weight-loss e-book titled, 'How To Lose All The Weight You Want In The Next 90 Days!' click here Stephen Smith is the part-owner of Body Concepts, an Australian supplement company, and Focus On, a health and lifestyle magazine. Stephen has been involved in the health and fitness industry for over 18 years and has a science degree from UWA. His website is: Quick Weight Loss Principles

Fibromyalgia- The Benefits Of Vitamins For Fibromyalgia

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Copyright (c) 2008 Hailey Harris


Product Details

Fibromyalgia is a disorder where patients suffer from chronic muscle pain and tactile allodynia. In severe cases, allodynia becomes so serious that even being touched by the clothes the patient is wearing causes pain.

This disorder also causes 'tender joints', or in other words pain on tender points on the body which includes the neck, shoulders, back, hips, arms or legs. These parts hurt when they are even touched tenderly. Fibromyalgia also makes the patients suffer from fatigue, sleeping disorders, morning stiffness, severe headaches and sometimes neuropsychiatric problems which include cognitive dysfunction, depressive symptoms and anxiety.

The causes of Fibromyalgia are not known, though study has attributed a number of things to be associated with this disorder to some extent of naming them as possible causes. These include stress, Serotonin, Dopamine abnormality and genetics among others. This disorder can affect anyone though it's more common in middle-aged women.
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Though much study has been done since early 19th century, nothing has been found that can cure Fibromyalgia effectively. The doctors and scientists however suggest certain medicines that can help the patients by reducing the pain. The patients are also advised to get enough sleep and keep to some regular exercises.

But as the studies go on, it has been seen that diet patterns have a big role to play in bringing positive changes to the patients. For example patients suffering from Fibromyalgia have shown wonderful results with vitamins and supplements. Patients suffering from Fibromyalgia are anxious to know if they can be healed from this wrecking disease. It is good if they can remain as positive as possible. Their level of wellness in many aspects of their lives helps reduce their pain and prepare the body for a good healing process.

Vitamins helps one to have this state of mind and sound body by helping the body to have a natural balance by keeping the cell count to the required level at all times.
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When people feel pain, they always think of taking a pain killer that can quickly relieve their pain. But this is not an affective way of eradicating the pain suffered by Fibromyalgia patients. The most effective way to treat them is by the use of vitamins and supplements. A pain killer or such kind of a pill will only give you temporary relieve. They will only cheat you that you are well, but it's not the case. But by using vitamins, the body is always kept healthy. Vitamins help the white blood cells which fight diseases in our bodies. Once the cellular level is maintained, the body is ready to fight any attacks and the body can get ready for healing.

Vitamins are available in most of the foods that we eat especially the vegetables and fruits. But since Fibromyalgia is a disorder that needs special attention, it is important for patients to know which types of vitamins are good for them and which one will bring the desired results fast with long time effect. If you are Fibromyalgia sufferer, you should think of getting professional counseling on this, no matter what the cost.

As for the supplements, there are many of them available in the market. But some of these supplements do not work so well with Fibromyalgia sufferers. And so, it is imperative to know which supplements won't have side effects on their bodies and which ones will. This information can only be found by asking experts who have been dealing with the disorder. Apart from the usual benefit of maintaining the cellular levels, vitamins and supplements also help in reducing the joint and muscle pain, reducing fatigue, boosting energy levels, improving the relaxation ability and reducing headaches among other benefits.
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In nutshell, when a Fibromyalgia sufferer takes vitamins and combines them with supplements and starts practicing lifestyle change, he or she can get very good, positive results. Chemical compositions should not be used, which only give you cover up effect and later the problem recurs. Recently, scientists have come up with some medicines which work well with Fibromyalgia sufferers, but before you lay you hands on these medicines, try vitamins, the result can be amazing.


Hailey Harris is an expert in dealing with Fibromyalgia after suffering for more than 10 years with health problems. She is now symptom free and living a pain free life. She developed found at to help others learn to do the same. To receive tons of info, tips, and healing strategies for free visit .

Fibromyalgia- The Benefits Of Vitamins For Fibromyalgia

As for the supplements, there are many of them available in the market. But some of these supplements do not work so well with Fibromyalgia sufferers. And so, it is imperative to know which supplements won't have side effects on their bodies and which ones will. This information can only be found by asking experts who have been dealing with the disorder. Apart from the usual benefit of maintaining the cellular levels, vitamins and supplements also help in reducing the joint and muscle pain, reducing fatigue, boosting energy levels, improving the relaxation ability and reducing headaches among other benefits.Product DetailsClick Here!

Copyright (c) 2008 Hailey Harris

Fibromyalgia is a disorder where patients suffer from chronic muscle pain and tactile allodynia. In severe cases, allodynia becomes so serious that even being touched by the clothes the patient is wearing causes pain.
Product Details
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This disorder also causes 'tender joints', or in other words pain on tender points on the body which includes the neck, shoulders, back, hips, arms or legs. These parts hurt when they are even touched tenderly. Fibromyalgia also makes the patients suffer from fatigue, sleeping disorders, morning stiffness, severe headaches and sometimes neuropsychiatric problems which include cognitive dysfunction, depressive symptoms and anxiety.

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The causes of Fibromyalgia are not known, though study has attributed a number of things to be associated with this disorder to some extent of naming them as possible causes. These include stress, Serotonin, Dopamine abnormality and genetics among others. This disorder can affect anyone though it's more common in middle-aged women.

Though much study has been done since early 19th century, nothing has been found that can cure Fibromyalgia effectively. The doctors and scientists however suggest certain medicines that can help the patients by reducing the pain. The patients are also advised to get enough sleep and keep to some regular exercises.

But as the studies go on, it has been seen that diet patterns have a big role to play in bringing positive changes to the patients. For example patients suffering from Fibromyalgia have shown wonderful results with vitamins and supplements. Patients suffering from Fibromyalgia are anxious to know if they can be healed from this wrecking disease. It is good if they can remain as positive as possible. Their level of wellness in many aspects of their lives helps reduce their pain and prepare the body for a good healing process.
Product Details
Click Here!

Vitamins helps one to have this state of mind and sound body by helping the body to have a natural balance by keeping the cell count to the required level at all times.

When people feel pain, they always think of taking a pain killer that can quickly relieve their pain. But this is not an affective way of eradicating the pain suffered by Fibromyalgia patients. The most effective way to treat them is by the use of vitamins and supplements. A pain killer or such kind of a pill will only give you temporary relieve. They will only cheat you that you are well, but it's not the case. But by using vitamins, the body is always kept healthy. Vitamins help the white blood cells which fight diseases in our bodies. Once the cellular level is maintained, the body is ready to fight any attacks and the body can get ready for healing.
Product DetailsCLICK HERE!    

IS THERE A CURE FOR FIBROMYALGIA THAT THE EXPERTS ARE'NT REVEALING BECAUSE  the real cure will never put one dollar of profit into any of the giant pharmaceutical companies or other medical for profit organizations, and the reason is simple. You can cure your Fibromyalgia forever without any of their drugs, or help for that here!

Vitamins are available in most of the foods that we eat especially the vegetables and fruits. But since Fibromyalgia is a disorder that needs special attention, it is important for patients to know which types of vitamins are good for them and which one will bring the desired results fast with long time effect. If you are Fibromyalgia sufferer, you should think of getting professional counseling on this, no matter what the cost.

In nutshell, when a Fibromyalgia sufferer takes vitamins and combines them with supplements and starts practicing lifestyle change, he or she can get very good, positive results. Chemical compositions should not be used, which only give you cover up effect and later the problem recurs. Recently, scientists have come up with some medicines which work well with Fibromyalgia sufferers, but before you lay you hands on these medicines, try vitamins, the result can be amazing.
Product DetailsClick Here!


Hailey Harris is an expert in dealing with Fibromyalgia after suffering for more than 10 years with health problems. She is now symptom free and living a pain free life. She developed found at to help others learn to do the same. To receive tons of info, tips, and healing strategies for free visit .

5 easy steps to lose belly fat

 Do you suffer from excess abdominal fat that does not stop, no matter what you do?
Ask the flashy infomercials convinced that abdominal fat is directly related to stress and have a miracle pill to get rid of it without any effort on your part?
They are clever marketing ads suggesting you can eliminate your belly fat by investing in their "breakthrough" ab-machine?
Not only is belly fat unattractive, it is not healthy. You are probably aware of this and tried to do something, right?
Let's face. You've tried everything and nothing worked so far. Stop playing with yourself. It's your body and your health, and it is time for the truth about how to lose belly fat.
Fact 1 in How to lose belly fat - How frustrating and hard enough, it must be said. You will never lose stomach fat every day by countless crunches. If this is the case, it would most people have already? You can do crunches until all the colors of the rainbow in the face and not get rid of belly fat.
Fact # 2 How to lose belly elegant and expensive "ab-machine does not get rid of belly fat. Most ab-equipment marketed focus on spot reduction, suggesting that all consumers should do is use your "state of the art" ab-device and you'll get rock hard abs.
Fact 3 in How to lose belly fat fat loss "potions and other" miracle "quick fixes do not get rid of belly fat. Many marketing companies to wait for the next piece of the new "scientific evidence" to leave, so they can use just enough "scientific fact" to create a product and make extravagant claims that reach the consumer on an emotional level.
Fact 4 in How to Lose Belly Fat - Fad diets are the worst of all scams belly fat. Fad diets prey to despair. They evoke restriction and deprivation, which causes loss of muscle, bone, and water, and finally, completely destroys the metabolism.
What you can do to lose belly fat, you know what you think at the moment and now I'm totally depressed. Oh, I'll tell you how to lose belly fat you hate and tried to get rid of him.
If you implement these methods which I will talk, you begin to notice that its central part, the decrease in the size and belly fat melts slowly in the right direction. When you take the fat in the right way, it is less likely to return. The idea is to create a control and then to maintain that control.
Note that this is not a "quick fix" and you will not see results overnight. Sorry, but I speak the truth. What you can expect is:
The continuing loss of belly fat within several weeks or more
To have less anxiety
Feel and see the changes
To improve your health and self-esteem
Losing belly fat Rule # 1 - Detox your body and organs. Studies show that the body has been purged of impurities functions better than the one responsible for toxins. Cleaning your intestinal tract is the first step to good health.
Losing belly fat Rule # 2 - Clean your eating habits. The rules of food to eat natural foods come from the earth. Eat a small balanced meal every 3 hours. Complex carbohydrates diminish toward the end of the day. The manufacture of these small changes in diet, but effective purge your body of toxins to allow the nutrients are used and also increase your metabolic rate.
Losing belly fat Rule No. 3 - Drink water. If you drink water, drink more. Water is a vital necessity in the elimination of toxins and fat moving and flushing the body.
Losing belly fat Rule No. 4 - Cardio is an effective way to reduce belly fat, while it remains within reasonable limits. Lose belly fat with cardio is a tool, not the only answer that many people may think. Do 20-30 minutes of high intensity interval training three to five times a week is enough to increase your metabolic rate and fat burning.
Losing belly fat Rule No. 5 - Abdominal exercises are great at building a strong midsection. When you strengthen your abdominal muscles that look and feel better, improve posture and relieve lower back pain. You can do a variety of different forms of the abdomen to 4 times a week.
Losing belly fat Conclusion The bottom line to get rid of belly fat is not by investing tons of money on fancy gadgets, expensive pills, and starving, but it is on Nutrition the body, purging the impurities and exercising.
You will not have a body of models ready for tomorrow, but eventually you will lose belly fat and keep it off.
Now that you have the truth on how to eliminate ugly belly fat, use this information to your advantage and will be unstoppable.
Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988. It is a national qualified bodybuilder and has two personal training certifications. He has written 6 ebooks on fitness and has helped hundreds of clients transform their bodies.

For more information click here

Lose Weight and Get Rid of Flabby Arms Fast And Easy

English traffic - 468*60 white joker />You know that upper part of your arms you dread showing off? If you dread showing them off, you probably have what is known as flabby arms. Avoiding going sleeveless, especially during the summer months, is just one of the things that accompany the embarrassment of flabby arms. But if you have flabby arms, chances are that you also have flab elsewhere. Flabby arms and additional fat on other parts of the body go hand in hand. In order to get rid of fat on one part of the body, you have to work on the entire body.

One way to get rid of body fat and flabby arms is by swimming. Swimming is one of the best overall body aerobic exercises that exist. You are consistently moving all parts of your body, especially your arms. Another aerobic exercise that helps get rid of flabby arms is use of the elliptical machine. If you do not own an elliptical machine, you can surely find one at your local gym. You are able to work off those flabby arms by gripping the handles while on the machine. For more resistance, focus on moving your lower body by pushing harder with the handles. You will still be able to burn fat and tone your arms.

If you prefer to be outside, running may be more ideal. You may also want to do a combination of running, jogging, and walking to get rid of flabby arms. Using light weights while performing these exercises will tone up the arms extra fast, and you will lose more fat by burning more calories. Jumping jacks, walking in place with weights, cycling, and dancing are also great ways to burn off body fat and tone up flabby arms.

Unfortunately, it isn't all about exercise. Successfully getting rid of flabby arms also means eating healthier. However, you should be aware of the fact that eating healthier does not necessarily mean you should eat less. But, you should also use common sense. The calories in a hot dog and the calories in a large bowl of fruit are not usually the same amount. If you do prefer to eat more, it would be best to eat more fruits and vegetables. As a matter of fact, for elimination of flabby arms, everyone is recommended to eat up to six times per day at two to three hour intervals. This should be done to prevent overeating. Eat whatever you want as long as it does not contain too much grease, sugar, bad carbohydrates, and calories. Fast foods, candies, sodas, white breads, pastas, and fried foods should be avoided as much as possible when focusing on eliminating flabby arms and body fat.

Remaining consistent will ultimately help you reach your weight goal. There will always those times when everyone accidentally misses a day at the gym and/or overindulges in something they wish they had not. Do not let those instances be the ones that cause you to give up. Everyone gives in from time to time, it's just part of the battle. Just pick yourself up when those mishaps occur. The biggest importance of losing weight while ridding those flabby arms is consistency and overall, belief in yourself that you will achieve what you set out to do.


You need to eat, but just do not overdo it. That's where a good weight loss system can help you. At There's a great product review on a system that can help you on your way to fabulous looking arms and the body you always wanted. Use your better judgment when choosing your meals and you will do just fine. As long as you are persistent, you will have fabulous looking arms in less time than you think.

For more information click here

Intermittent Fasting Tips: 7 Ways to Combat Hunger

Intermittent fasting - not eating for 16-36 hours a few times a week - is a safe, effective way to lose fat and improve health overall.

The wonderful thing is that after fasting several times, hunger greatly diminishes on your fasting days, often disappearing completely.

But if hunger is ever bothersome for you, particularly if you're new to intermittent fasting and going through the adaptation period, here are 7 tips that can help:

1. Try to avoid eating a high carbohydrate meal or snack right before you start your fast. Some people find that a high carb meal/snack stimulates hunger shortly afterward making it more challenging to continue with the fast. A meal/snack that emphasizes protein is a better choice.

2. Keep busy. The more you do things that distract you from thinking about food, the better. Many people eat when they are bored or because they are conditioned to eat based on what time it is, so if that describes you, be aware of it and try to do something that interests you so you won't be swayed by old habits and conditioning.

3. Remind yourself that your body doesn't actually NEED food to function during a short-term fast. You are not in danger. Energy will be drawn from food that is still digesting during the the first part of your fast. When that runs out, energy will come from the fat stores on your body. No matter what size you are, you usually have enough fat reserves to safely draw from during a short-term fast.

4. Remind yourself that your body has been trained to expect food at certain times and in certain situations, so hunger may rev up at those times during the fast. Again, you don't NEED to eat, your body is just telling you that it 'expects' food. This will change the more you do intermittent fasting - the body will stop it's non-emergency grumbling.

5. Keep hydrated. Have your favorite non-calorie drinks on hand (water, black coffee, green tea, herbal tea, sugar free soda, etc)

6. Sip on drinks that contain caffeine (coffee, tea, sugar free cola) because caffeine helps to suppress appetite. It's important to consume the drinks slowly, over the course of the day, because if you take in too much caffeine in a short period you will probably have a dramatic energy drop later on which can stimulate appetite.

7. Exercise. It's very safe to exercise on a fasting day. If it's intense exercise (a sprint, for example) it will usually kill appetite for a while.

Sometimes people feel light-headed or get headaches when they're trying intermittent fasting the first few times. This isn't due to blood sugar dropping too low - that's a myth that studies and intermittent fasting enthusiasts have disproven countless times.

The feeling is likely because the body is burning it's own fat for fuel, which it rarely has to do when you're eating frequently and drawing on food for fuel. You may find that a brief burst of exercise works very well to combat this, giving you a nice boost in energy - the opposite of what you'd expect!


For more FREE helpful fasting tips to get you started with intermittent fasting, visit

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