Saturday, 25 February 2012

How do you know when to detox your body?

Adrianne Curry Uses The Flex Belt
 When To Detox -Toxins inside the body are stored in fat cells. So its a Good thing that the detoxification processes will also help you lose weight.

    How do you know when to detox your body?

    When pollutants from air, food, water and other x factors find their way inside your body, you tend to  make you feel tired, bloated, heavy, and lethargic. You may also have other minor symptoms, like chronic fatigue syndrome and constant back pain, or lackluster hair and sallow skin. It also depends on the amount of toxins that your system had absorbed.

    An overweight person has larger toxin build-up than a slim person. The toxins inside the body are stored in fat cells. Good thing though as  the detoxification process will also help you lose weight.

    When you have high levels of toxins inside your body, you are putting your health in great danger. Your liver and kidneys will get damaged from overload of chemicals that are often found in the food you eat and the water you drink. Concentrates of toxins can be found in the gastrointestinal systems, digestive system, and lymph system. These organs filter the toxins from the nutrients that will be distributed throughout your body so when they acquired disorders, your health will suffer and may require medical attention. Toxins also cause other health problems, such as mild fever and acne.

    Any kind of detox programs or diets will be beneficial. You may try the liver detox to cleanse both the liver and the kidneys. If you tried the full detox diet, you will surely lose excess weight. Detoxification is supposed to get you better so you might be discouraged if you started having the normal side effects of detox. But a little gas or some headaches should not deter you from restoring your health through detox. By taking off the toxins from your system, you will also be burning thousands of fat cells.

1.Weightloss Site!
2.Detox Diet!

    You can have a quick detoxification by trying two detox methods at the same time. Combine the detox diet with the sauna detox. The detox diet should not last more than one month. It must be as simple as you can make it so that it will be easy to follow. If you're taking in both coffee and alcohol, choose one to omit. Obviously, it should be the alcohol because it has higher toxin content than the coffee. Of course, you must reduce your caffeine intake gradually. Cut off the softdrinks, too.

    Next, you should examine your food. Read labels to know the ingredients. Make sure that the meals you prepare will consist of natural and high-fiber food. No preservatives, additives, saturated fats, and refined sugar.

    With sauna detox, this process heats your tissues to enhance the metabolism ability of your body. Infections heal faster and germs die when temperature is higher. It also burns the fat cells inside the body. So when you sweat, the toxins also come out through the pores of your skin. Hyperthermia (or fever therapy) is now known to fight infections and to control spread of cancer.

    Sauna detox will also peel off the dead cells from your skin so you will look pink and glowing with health despite the poor economy.

    It's true the Master Cleanse is the best detox diet and can help you lose up to 20 pounds, look younger, ease chronic pain, cleanse your body of internal waste, and boost your energy levels in 10 days! Find out how Beyonce Knowles found out with the Master Cleanse diet.   Learn How!            

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Friday, 17 February 2012

Best ways to change your looks through weight loss

Weight loss depends on a variety of factors that includes nutrients, eating habits, exercises and cooking plans that provide information to keep a balanced diet. Doctors believe that it is the overweight that invites a variety of diseases like heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, fatty liver diseases and other health problems. Today people try to reduce their weight through diet control and other fitness measures prescribed by medical professionals. Let�s have a look on the homely tips that you can practice at home.

Eat healthy food

Healthy food is the main factor that controls your weight. For weight loss you need to follow a balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients to enhance flow of energy throughout your body. Better take vegetarian food and home meals and plan your diet such that you include all the important nutrients required for the body. Excess fats and calories are not good for your health. So better avoid food like pizza, burgers, meat, sweets, ice creams and fried and roasted foods.

Cultivate good eating habits

It�s not true that eating a lot strengthen our health. It doesn�t matter how much you eat but when and what you eat actually matters. You should develop healthy eating habits that concern your good health and body weight. Eat at regular times. Take time to eat; chew the food well and enjoy the taste. Don�t rush through your food as your stomach cannot understand how much amount of food it can accept. Take in five or six small meals than having 3 large meals a day. Doing this will help your body to use the nutrients effectively. Never miss your food; it may affect your stomach badly.

Drink water

Drink a lot of water every day. You should take at least 8 glasses of water each day. It is essential because water removes all the toxins and unwanted substances from your body. It also prevents the fats from getting accumulated inside. Whenever you go out carry a bottle of water with you. You should be able to distinguish between thirst and hunger. You would attempt eating when you need water. So when you feel hungry, have a glass of water and check whether it was a thirst.

Do regular exercise

Exercise can burn the unnecessary fats and calories from your body and strengthen your bones and muscles. It helps in weight loss effectively if practiced regularly and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Every morning, if you go for a walk, it would be a good start of the day that makes you smart and relaxed. You can join at yoga centers or consult fitness professionals for weight loss exercises. Yoga is the suitable method that helps refresh both your mind and body and escape from all the stresses and mental pressures that troubles you.

You are likely to develop disease if you are overweighed. But you don�t need to worry about it. You just follow the weight loss tips and change your looks. Through a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can live healthy and slim.

To find out what the healthy weight loss (or as the Danes say det sunde v�gttab) way is, visit this website where you will also find the best diet plan (in Danish kostplan) for you. To see how you can combine a workout with your diet plan, go here.

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3 Tips to help Decrease Bleeding during Menstrual Cycle

Copyright (c) 2008 Hope Pope

Every month, many women suffer with heavy bleeding from their monthly menstrual period. Sometimes the heavy bleeding can be because of fibroids. Although fibroids are quite common, many times, the doctors won't remove them. The consequence is that many women will suffer each month with excessive bleeding.

Heavy bleeding can be somewhat manageable when a woman doesn't have any children but adding children to the equation makes it even more difficult to deal with this each month. Every bit of energy is needed to take care of the kids and dealing with heavy bleeding is something every woman can do without.

Here are 3 tips that can help slow down heavy bleeding and also give women more energy when they need it most.

The first tip is to cut back on sugar. If sugar is cut out completely ... at least during the first few days of the period... This should slow down the menstrual period bleeding and not remove so much energy from the body.

The second tip is to exercise. Exercise seems to slow down excessive bleeding... plus, it will increase oxygen to the brain and provide the body with more energy. The problem with this is that when kids are involved, there is not much time to exercise... therefore, the third tip might be the most desirable.

Tip number three is to drink raw apple cider vinegar. This is a solution that is proven to work to slow down the bleeding associated with menstrual cycles. It is especially great when a woman has to be out in public and it is her 2nd or 3rd day of her period... when most women bleed the most... and she just doesn't want to be embarrassed by being in the bathroom the whole time.

Add one tablespoon of vinegar to about 16 to 20 ounces of water and drink it throughout the day. If the bleeding is extra heavy, drink two glasses of water with 1 tablespoon of raw (must be "raw". Braggs raw apple cider vinegar is awesome) apple cider vinegar a day.

Some people can't stomach the taste of the vinegar, so instead, put it in a glass of apple juice (preferably sugar-free) or grape juice and drink it that way... to hide the strong taste.

The amount of pads or tampons should increase a great deal after driking the vinegar for only one or two days... and it is not uncommon to go through only a pad or two after the 3rd day of the period. When vinegar is first used, don't be surprised if more clots are discharged as the body might experience some detoxification. This is normal. This is a good thing as it is cleaning things out... detoxifying the system.

An added bonus? Taking apple cider vinegar on a daily basis is proven to increase ones energy.


Hope Pope is the owner of ... a website that includes all natural cures for problems such as cholesterol, yeast infections, warts, moles, smoking, snoring and more. All of the cures have been proven to work.
Visit to see how Hope has helped her husband dramatically lower his cholesterol naturally.

10 Top Compound Exercises to Blast Fat and Build Lean Muscle

Years ago I found myself weighing 250 pounds, constantly squeezing rolls of fat on my stomach, and just all around unhappy with myself in the mirror. Personally, I know what it feels like to suck your stomach in and wonder what it would be like to be shredded. Now, my job as a fat loss and fitness expert allows me to use my empathy and knowledge to train numerous clients and help them achieve unbelievable success in reaching their target body in my boot camps. It takes a lot of work and a lot of training. It has been proven again and again, the best training program for fat loss and lean muscle gain activates as many muscle groups of the total body in the shortest amount of time. While interval training is hands down the best protocol to use during an exercise session to build muscle and lose fat, compound movements efficiently provide total body workouts and give you an amazing boom for your buck in a single exercise.

Compound movements or combination lifts combine two or more movements performed uninterrupted and in succession into one exercise. For example, take two familiar exercises. The squat, which is notorious for its fat blasting and lean muscle packing effects. Now throw in an overhead press and the squat/press compound includes even more of your total body and becomes downright merciless. Simply put, compound movements explosively burn fat and build lean muscle because they activate more muscle in a shorter amount of time. Prioritize your personal workouts with compound movements like these instead of single joint exercises to supposedly "isolate a muscle" and your good to go. Remember this Power Body Reaction:

↑Muscles Involved�"(↑Calories Burnt + ↑Muscle-Building Stimulus )�"↑Fat Lost + ↑Muscle Gain

Confession time. I have a love-hate relationship with exercises like this. Love because of the ridiculous results they provide for fat loss, muscle building, and conditioning. Hate because they turn on that voice in my head saying, "Do you really need to do this?" and wondering whether I'm laying in a pool of sweat or tears every time.

By now your saying "Get on with it. I'm sold. What are these crazy exercises I need to be doing right now!?" Let's lift veil of suspense. Here is my official top 10 list of favorite exercises in the world for fat loss and lean muscle gain (in no particular order):

Exercise 1 - Power Clean + Thruster Combo - Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Bands, or Sandbags

Exercise 2 - The Swing - Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Med Balls, or Sandbags

Exercise 3 - Alternating Lunge + Curl to Press

Exercise 4 - Mountain Climber Push-ups - Valslide or Bodyweight

Exercise 5 - Woodchopper - Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Med Balls, Bands, or Sandbags

Exercise 6 - Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches

Exercise 7 - Turkish Get-Up + One-Arm Dumbbell Chest Press

Exercise 8 - Burpee with Overhead Press

Exercise 9 - Med Ball Snatch-Slam Combo

Exercise 10 - Single-Leg RDL + Row - Kettlebell or Dumbbell

Use my advice jack up your training by introducing these 10 powerful compound exercises we use in my boot camps to work the total body. You are guaranteed better results in less time by consistently employing these movements into your workouts. Of course it's ultimately up to you to do what it takes to take your training and your body to the next level!


Lou Kristopher, CSCS, RKC is a Walnut Creek personal trainer and body transformation expert who helps his many clients discover their best shape ever by burning pounds of unwanted body fat and gaining muscle using cutting edge training techniques. Qualify for a free 1-week trial at Power Body Boot Camps by visiting

Losing Weight Can Be Easy With These Tips

For more information click here

Herbal Life - Is it a Scam?

"Lose weight now, ask me how" was the familiar slogan you may have seen around town in years past. What you may not have known was that this catchy phrase was really advertising Herbal Life products. The company has survived litigation and the tragic death of its founder Mark Hughes in 2000, twenty years after he started it. Since then, the business has recovered and continues to grow worldwide under new leadership. That it continues is a testimony to the resilience of those involved in the company and the ever expanding global opportunities that weight loss industry offers; Americans alone are estimated to spend $50 billion a year on shedding pounds, and the forecast is for continued growth.

Yet for all its ability to rebound and expand, this company still has its share of doubters. Obviously it is not a complete scam, or it would not exist today. But its marketing tactics have led to past and present legal action for misrepresentation and other unethical practices up the line. On the other hand, there are more legal protections in place because of the company's missteps, and it could be that they have learned from the error of their ways.

Here's what the business looks like currently. The compensation for these distributors follows the stair-step breakaway plan. According to the company website, the percentage of distributors that become supervisors is about 25 percent. These supervisors earned an average of $549 in the year 2006 on top of their profits from selling the products themselves. But how much do people typically earn selling the products as distributors? That information is not as easy to find. It seems that more than 90% of distributors leave the business in the first year. Also, supervisors must make an investment of several thousand dollars to attain that rank, which the average supervisor will not recover with $549 in income from the distributors under them. So they too would need to sell the products just to break even. The starting discount for the products is 25%, which would be your commission if you sell them at full price. The more you sell, and/or the higher your rank, the greater your discount.

But how much a distributor can earn is not always clear and reportedly subject to change. In at least one of the lawsuits against the company, distributors alleged that the company reduced the amount they would pay them without clear reasons. They complained that the company was showing favoritism and misleading them as to how much they could earn. Such complaints are not uncommon.

The lesson seems to be that Herbal Life has learned how to be one of the most resilient companies around. Throughout its 28-year history there have been numerous complaints about it misrepresenting itself to draw people to join the sales team. The ways the company markets its opportunity seem to be more transparent than before, but complaints about distributors and investors being misled have not slowed significantly. Thus it seems to still be a company on ethically shaky ground. Anyone about to join the team should be cautious, try to get clear written agreements, and be prepared to take legal action if promises are broken.


Jayne Manziel is a successful Entrepreneur coach and has helped hundred's of people build their business for over 20 years. Jayne devotes the time, energy, and effort into her team and mentors them to ensure their success. To learn more visit Jayne's Making Money Online website. Jayne is a proven leader and offers a Sales and Marketing Strategy for all of her team members in achieving financial success.

Best ways to change your looks through weight loss

Weight loss depends on a variety of factors that includes nutrients, eating habits, exercises and cooking plans that provide information to keep a balanced diet. Doctors believe that it is the overweight that invites a variety of diseases like heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, fatty liver diseases and other health problems. Today people try to reduce their weight through diet control and other fitness measures prescribed by medical professionals. Let's have a look on the homely tips that you can practice at home.

Eat healthy food

Healthy food is the main factor that controls your weight. For weight loss you need to follow a balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients to enhance flow of energy throughout your body. Better take vegetarian food and home meals and plan your diet such that you include all the important nutrients required for the body. Excess fats and calories are not good for your health. So better avoid food like pizza, burgers, meat, sweets, ice creams and fried and roasted foods.

Cultivate good eating habits

It's not true that eating a lot strengthen our health. It doesn't matter how much you eat but when and what you eat actually matters. You should develop healthy eating habits that concern your good health and body weight. Eat at regular times. Take time to eat; chew the food well and enjoy the taste. Don't rush through your food as your stomach cannot understand how much amount of food it can accept. Take in five or six small meals than having 3 large meals a day. Doing this will help your body to use the nutrients effectively. Never miss your food; it may affect your stomach badly.

Drink water

Drink a lot of water every day. You should take at least 8 glasses of water each day. It is essential because water removes all the toxins and unwanted substances from your body. It also prevents the fats from getting accumulated inside. Whenever you go out carry a bottle of water with you. You should be able to distinguish between thirst and hunger. You would attempt eating when you need water. So when you feel hungry, have a glass of water and check whether it was a thirst.

Do regular exercise

Exercise can burn the unnecessary fats and calories from your body and strengthen your bones and muscles. It helps in weight loss effectively if practiced regularly and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Every morning, if you go for a walk, it would be a good start of the day that makes you smart and relaxed. You can join at yoga centers or consult fitness professionals for weight loss exercises. Yoga is the suitable method that helps refresh both your mind and body and escape from all the stresses and mental pressures that troubles you.

You are likely to develop disease if you are overweighed. But you don't need to worry about it. You just follow the weight loss tips and change your looks. Through a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can live healthy and slim.

To find out what the healthy weight loss (or as the Danes say det sunde v'gttab) way is, visit this website where you will also find the best diet plan (in Danish kostplan) for you. To see how you can combine a workout with your diet plan, go here.

3 Tips to help Decrease Bleeding during Menstrual Cycle

Copyright (c) 2008 Hope Pope

Every month, many women suffer with heavy bleeding from their monthly menstrual period. Sometimes the heavy bleeding can be because of fibroids. Although fibroids are quite common, many times, the doctors won't remove them. The consequence is that many women will suffer each month with excessive bleeding.

Heavy bleeding can be somewhat manageable when a woman doesn't have any children but adding children to the equation makes it even more difficult to deal with this each month. Every bit of energy is needed to take care of the kids and dealing with heavy bleeding is something every woman can do without.

Here are 3 tips that can help slow down heavy bleeding and also give women more energy when they need it most.

The first tip is to cut back on sugar. If sugar is cut out completely ... at least during the first few days of the period... This should slow down the menstrual period bleeding and not remove so much energy from the body.

The second tip is to exercise. Exercise seems to slow down excessive bleeding... plus, it will increase oxygen to the brain and provide the body with more energy. The problem with this is that when kids are involved, there is not much time to exercise... therefore, the third tip might be the most desirable.

Tip number three is to drink raw apple cider vinegar. This is a solution that is proven to work to slow down the bleeding associated with menstrual cycles. It is especially great when a woman has to be out in public and it is her 2nd or 3rd day of her period... when most women bleed the most... and she just doesn't want to be embarrassed by being in the bathroom the whole time.

Add one tablespoon of vinegar to about 16 to 20 ounces of water and drink it throughout the day. If the bleeding is extra heavy, drink two glasses of water with 1 tablespoon of raw (must be "raw". Braggs raw apple cider vinegar is awesome) apple cider vinegar a day.

Some people can't stomach the taste of the vinegar, so instead, put it in a glass of apple juice (preferably sugar-free) or grape juice and drink it that way... to hide the strong taste.

The amount of pads or tampons should increase a great deal after driking the vinegar for only one or two days... and it is not uncommon to go through only a pad or two after the 3rd day of the period. When vinegar is first used, don't be surprised if more clots are discharged as the body might experience some detoxification. This is normal. This is a good thing as it is cleaning things out... detoxifying the system.

An added bonus? Taking apple cider vinegar on a daily basis is proven to increase ones energy.


Hope Pope is the owner of ... a website that includes all natural cures for problems such as cholesterol, yeast infections, warts, moles, smoking, snoring and more. All of the cures have been proven to work.
Visit to see how Hope has helped her husband dramatically lower his cholesterol naturally.

10 Top Compound Exercises to Blast Fat and Build Lean Muscle

Years ago I found myself weighing 250 pounds, constantly squeezing rolls of fat on my stomach, and just all around unhappy with myself in the mirror. Personally, I know what it feels like to suck your stomach in and wonder what it would be like to be shredded. Now, my job as a fat loss and fitness expert allows me to use my empathy and knowledge to train numerous clients and help them achieve unbelievable success in reaching their target body in my boot camps. It takes a lot of work and a lot of training. It has been proven again and again, the best training program for fat loss and lean muscle gain activates as many muscle groups of the total body in the shortest amount of time. While interval training is hands down the best protocol to use during an exercise session to build muscle and lose fat, compound movements efficiently provide total body workouts and give you an amazing boom for your buck in a single exercise.

Compound movements or combination lifts combine two or more movements performed uninterrupted and in succession into one exercise. For example, take two familiar exercises. The squat, which is notorious for its fat blasting and lean muscle packing effects. Now throw in an overhead press and the squat/press compound includes even more of your total body and becomes downright merciless. Simply put, compound movements explosively burn fat and build lean muscle because they activate more muscle in a shorter amount of time. Prioritize your personal workouts with compound movements like these instead of single joint exercises to supposedly "isolate a muscle" and your good to go. Remember this Power Body Reaction:

↑Muscles Involved�"(↑Calories Burnt + ↑Muscle-Building Stimulus )�"↑Fat Lost + ↑Muscle Gain

Confession time. I have a love-hate relationship with exercises like this. Love because of the ridiculous results they provide for fat loss, muscle building, and conditioning. Hate because they turn on that voice in my head saying, "Do you really need to do this?" and wondering whether I'm laying in a pool of sweat or tears every time.

By now your saying "Get on with it. I'm sold. What are these crazy exercises I need to be doing right now!?" Let's lift veil of suspense. Here is my official top 10 list of favorite exercises in the world for fat loss and lean muscle gain (in no particular order):

Exercise 1 - Power Clean + Thruster Combo - Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Bands, or Sandbags

Exercise 2 - The Swing - Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Med Balls, or Sandbags

Exercise 3 - Alternating Lunge + Curl to Press

Exercise 4 - Mountain Climber Push-ups - Valslide or Bodyweight

Exercise 5 - Woodchopper - Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Med Balls, Bands, or Sandbags

Exercise 6 - Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches

Exercise 7 - Turkish Get-Up + One-Arm Dumbbell Chest Press

Exercise 8 - Burpee with Overhead Press

Exercise 9 - Med Ball Snatch-Slam Combo

Exercise 10 - Single-Leg RDL + Row - Kettlebell or Dumbbell

Use my advice jack up your training by introducing these 10 powerful compound exercises we use in my boot camps to work the total body. You are guaranteed better results in less time by consistently employing these movements into your workouts. Of course it's ultimately up to you to do what it takes to take your training and your body to the next level!


Lou Kristopher, CSCS, RKC is a Walnut Creek personal trainer and body transformation expert who helps his many clients discover their best shape ever by burning pounds of unwanted body fat and gaining muscle using cutting edge training techniques. Qualify for a free 1-week trial at Power Body Boot Camps by visiting

Losing Weight Can Be Easy With These Tips

For more information click here

Herbal Life - Is it a Scam?

"Lose weight now, ask me how" was the familiar slogan you may have seen around town in years past. What you may not have known was that this catchy phrase was really advertising Herbal Life products. The company has survived litigation and the tragic death of its founder Mark Hughes in 2000, twenty years after he started it. Since then, the business has recovered and continues to grow worldwide under new leadership. That it continues is a testimony to the resilience of those involved in the company and the ever expanding global opportunities that weight loss industry offers; Americans alone are estimated to spend $50 billion a year on shedding pounds, and the forecast is for continued growth.

Yet for all its ability to rebound and expand, this company still has its share of doubters. Obviously it is not a complete scam, or it would not exist today. But its marketing tactics have led to past and present legal action for misrepresentation and other unethical practices up the line. On the other hand, there are more legal protections in place because of the company's missteps, and it could be that they have learned from the error of their ways.

Here's what the business looks like currently. The compensation for these distributors follows the stair-step breakaway plan. According to the company website, the percentage of distributors that become supervisors is about 25 percent. These supervisors earned an average of $549 in the year 2006 on top of their profits from selling the products themselves. But how much do people typically earn selling the products as distributors? That information is not as easy to find. It seems that more than 90% of distributors leave the business in the first year. Also, supervisors must make an investment of several thousand dollars to attain that rank, which the average supervisor will not recover with $549 in income from the distributors under them. So they too would need to sell the products just to break even. The starting discount for the products is 25%, which would be your commission if you sell them at full price. The more you sell, and/or the higher your rank, the greater your discount.

But how much a distributor can earn is not always clear and reportedly subject to change. In at least one of the lawsuits against the company, distributors alleged that the company reduced the amount they would pay them without clear reasons. They complained that the company was showing favoritism and misleading them as to how much they could earn. Such complaints are not uncommon.

The lesson seems to be that Herbal Life has learned how to be one of the most resilient companies around. Throughout its 28-year history there have been numerous complaints about it misrepresenting itself to draw people to join the sales team. The ways the company markets its opportunity seem to be more transparent than before, but complaints about distributors and investors being misled have not slowed significantly. Thus it seems to still be a company on ethically shaky ground. Anyone about to join the team should be cautious, try to get clear written agreements, and be prepared to take legal action if promises are broken.


Jayne Manziel is a successful Entrepreneur coach and has helped hundred's of people build their business for over 20 years. Jayne devotes the time, energy, and effort into her team and mentors them to ensure their success. To learn more visit Jayne's Making Money Online website. Jayne is a proven leader and offers a Sales and Marketing Strategy for all of her team members in achieving financial success.

Best ways to change your looks through weight loss

Weight loss depends on a variety of factors that includes nutrients, eating habits, exercises and cooking plans that provide information to keep a balanced diet. Doctors believe that it is the overweight that invites a variety of diseases like heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, fatty liver diseases and other health problems. Today people try to reduce their weight through diet control and other fitness measures prescribed by medical professionals. Let�s have a look on the homely tips that you can practice at home.

Eat healthy food

Healthy food is the main factor that controls your weight. For weight loss you need to follow a balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients to enhance flow of energy throughout your body. Better take vegetarian food and home meals and plan your diet such that you include all the important nutrients required for the body. Excess fats and calories are not good for your health. So better avoid food like pizza, burgers, meat, sweets, ice creams and fried and roasted foods.

Cultivate good eating habits

It�s not true that eating a lot strengthen our health. It doesn�t matter how much you eat but when and what you eat actually matters. You should develop healthy eating habits that concern your good health and body weight. Eat at regular times. Take time to eat; chew the food well and enjoy the taste. Don�t rush through your food as your stomach cannot understand how much amount of food it can accept. Take in five or six small meals than having 3 large meals a day. Doing this will help your body to use the nutrients effectively. Never miss your food; it may affect your stomach badly.

Drink water

Drink a lot of water every day. You should take at least 8 glasses of water each day. It is essential because water removes all the toxins and unwanted substances from your body. It also prevents the fats from getting accumulated inside. Whenever you go out carry a bottle of water with you. You should be able to distinguish between thirst and hunger. You would attempt eating when you need water. So when you feel hungry, have a glass of water and check whether it was a thirst.

Do regular exercise

Exercise can burn the unnecessary fats and calories from your body and strengthen your bones and muscles. It helps in weight loss effectively if practiced regularly and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Every morning, if you go for a walk, it would be a good start of the day that makes you smart and relaxed. You can join at yoga centers or consult fitness professionals for weight loss exercises. Yoga is the suitable method that helps refresh both your mind and body and escape from all the stresses and mental pressures that troubles you.

You are likely to develop disease if you are overweighed. But you don�t need to worry about it. You just follow the weight loss tips and change your looks. Through a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can live healthy and slim.

To find out what the healthy weight loss (or as the Danes say det sunde v�gttab) way is, visit this website where you will also find the best diet plan (in Danish kostplan) for you. To see how you can combine a workout with your diet plan, go here.

Best ways to change your looks through weight loss

Weight loss depends on a variety of factors that includes nutrients, eating habits, exercises and cooking plans that provide information to keep a balanced diet. Doctors believe that it is the overweight that invites a variety of diseases like heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, fatty liver diseases and other health problems. Today people try to reduce their weight through diet control and other fitness measures prescribed by medical professionals. Let�s have a look on the homely tips that you can practice at home.

Eat healthy food

Healthy food is the main factor that controls your weight. For weight loss you need to follow a balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients to enhance flow of energy throughout your body. Better take vegetarian food and home meals and plan your diet such that you include all the important nutrients required for the body. Excess fats and calories are not good for your health. So better avoid food like pizza, burgers, meat, sweets, ice creams and fried and roasted foods.

Cultivate good eating habits

It�s not true that eating a lot strengthen our health. It doesn�t matter how much you eat but when and what you eat actually matters. You should develop healthy eating habits that concern your good health and body weight. Eat at regular times. Take time to eat; chew the food well and enjoy the taste. Don�t rush through your food as your stomach cannot understand how much amount of food it can accept. Take in five or six small meals than having 3 large meals a day. Doing this will help your body to use the nutrients effectively. Never miss your food; it may affect your stomach badly.

Drink water

Drink a lot of water every day. You should take at least 8 glasses of water each day. It is essential because water removes all the toxins and unwanted substances from your body. It also prevents the fats from getting accumulated inside. Whenever you go out carry a bottle of water with you. You should be able to distinguish between thirst and hunger. You would attempt eating when you need water. So when you feel hungry, have a glass of water and check whether it was a thirst.

Do regular exercise

Exercise can burn the unnecessary fats and calories from your body and strengthen your bones and muscles. It helps in weight loss effectively if practiced regularly and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Every morning, if you go for a walk, it would be a good start of the day that makes you smart and relaxed. You can join at yoga centers or consult fitness professionals for weight loss exercises. Yoga is the suitable method that helps refresh both your mind and body and escape from all the stresses and mental pressures that troubles you.

You are likely to develop disease if you are overweighed. But you don�t need to worry about it. You just follow the weight loss tips and change your looks. Through a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can live healthy and slim.

To find out what the healthy weight loss (or as the Danes say det sunde v�gttab) way is, visit this website where you will also find the best diet plan (in Danish kostplan) for you. To see how you can combine a workout with your diet plan, go here.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Why Detox? and What is Detox?

Adrianne Curry Uses The Flex Belt
Hi My Name is Eve Danda and I would Like to draw your attention to this article which I would like to pass on as it has helped me more than I can express-my blog is

1. What is detox?
Detox is the popular short form for detoxification. It describes a natural process that goes on in your body. 

The detox process neutralizes toxic wastes which accumulate in your bodies, chemically transforming them into relatively harmless compounds and then eliminating them from the body via stools or urine. 

Toxins enter your body when you breathe in air full of pollutants, consume junk food, smoke cigarettes or use products that are harmful.  The removal of toxins from your body is a crucial process in order to maintain good health.
2. What is a detox diet?
Detox diet is a diet that helps our bodies to eliminate harmful toxic wastes. There are many types of detox diets.  In general, many people refer the term "detox diet" to mean a dedicated detox diet plan program that is undertaken to remove toxins from a specific part of the body.  For instance, there can be detox diet programs for cleansing of the colon, liver or the GI tract.
Dedicated detox diet programs are short-term diets. Detox diets are also recommended for losing weight. They work by giving your body various organic chemical compounds required for detoxification, such as vitamins, antioxidants and other necessary nutrients. Some of these organic compounds help elimination of waste products from your body by increasing the frequency of bowel movements and urination.
3. Why undergo a detox diet program?
Regular consumption of unhealthy food substantially reduces the natural ability of your body to detoxify and eliminate toxic chemicals. There are certain indications when you have a toxic body.  They include feelings of sluggishness, frequent colds, digestive problems, allergies, eczema,  etc. The presence of toxins further lead to conditions like hormonal imbalance, impaired immune function, nutritional deficiency and inefficient metabolism.  Undergoing a detox diet program can help repair, maintain and maximize the natural detoxification abilities of your body.
 4. What are the benefits to adopting a detox diet program?
 Some of the benefits of detox diets include increased stamina and energy, enhanced mental alertness, clearer skin, better immune system, improved digestion and lots more.
 5. When is a

detox diet program not advised?
 You should not be going through a detox diet program if you are pregnant. Also, if you are suffering from diseases such as anemia, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, lowered immunity, hypothyroidism, low blood pressure, ulcers, epilepsy, cancer or ulcerative colitis, some detox diets may not be appropriate for you.  Detox diets are also not meant for


    6. Are there any side effects to a detox diet?

    Yes, there can be a few. For example, within

the first few days of starting a detox diet, you may suffer from headaches. Or you may feel extremely exhausted especially if you need to purge a few times. Most side effects or symptoms should disappear after a few days.

    You may also experience excessive diarrhea, if you are doing a detox diet program for the first time or if the detox diet program is too harsh for you.  Hence it is best that you go under the guidance of a health care practitioner for this.
 7. Do I need to consult a doctor before trying a detox diet program?
 Yes, you are advised to. Just because you are facing symptoms like tiredness, irritability, acne, weight loss, and hunger, it does not mean that you need a detox diet.

Sometimes, there might be other medical reasons that require different treatment. Therefore, do consult a doctor and get a thorough check up done before you start taking detox diet.

    8. What foods are normaaly included in a detox diet?

    A detox diet includes high fiber foods and consumption of adequate amount of water. It normally includes fresh and green vegetables like broccoli, spinach etc and other healthy foods like garlic, artichokes, beets, cauliflower, rice, beans, nuts and seeds.  It also includes plenty of fresh fruits except grapes.
 9. Can I continue medication during a detox diet?
No, you should generally be undertaking a detox diet program during a period when you are feeling well. As such, if you are having your period, do not go on a detox diet program either during this period.

What can I eat once the detox diet is over?
Once you have finished a course of a detox diet, you should not be eating unhealthy foods like deep fried chicken wings for the first meal.  You should gradually ease back into a less restrictive yet healthy diet.

Sandra Kim Leong writes on detox cleansing. She strongly believes that detoxification should form part of one's regular health regime. Her site includes information on colon cleansing, kidney cleansing, detox diets, mercury detoxification, etc. For free articles and tips, please visit

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